What are your customers saying?

How many times have you visited a company's website, called or emailed their office, or gone to their store, and any one or all of these touch points resulted in an unpleasant experience? Or worse, it was a complete fail, and you gave up.

It occurs way too often. When it happens to me, I always wonder, "When was the last time the owner or a manager of this business pretended they were a customer of their own business and tested their own lines of communication for their customers? Probably not very often, or I'm sure there would be changes.

It is very well known that it is much more expensive to get a new customer than it is to keep an old one. Also, a customer has so many options now that once they leave, they are gone forever. This worst case scenario is preventable. Before embarking on your next advertising campaign, make sure that all lines of communication are fully functional. Knowing about and fixing the causes of these problems are marketing basics.

Our Customer Experience Assessment will provide a full report on how your business is doing now and recommend what you should be doing to increase (and keep) your customer base.

And yes, we will conduct our review during business hours and after you are closed for the day!

"Every client you keep is one less you need to find."
Nigel Sanders

Unite Interactive