Growing Together

Living is Selling

Living is Selling is a sales and marketing agency committed to helping those who sell for a living increase their customer base, sales, and income.


It's been said many times that "we live to sell and we sell to live". Whether we know it or not, we're doing it every day, at home or at work. Here is a brief overview of our sales and business development unit.

  • Sector: B2B (businesses who sell to other businesses)
  • Services: Contract Sales and Sales Training
  • Niche: SMB's (small to mid-size businesses)
  • Prospective Industries: manufacturing, wholesalers, construction, transportation, technology, healthcare, professional services and consulting firms
  • Service area: Contract Sales, Winnipeg metro area and Sales Training virtually any where in Canada

Our Value Proposition

  • increased sales and revenues
  • reduced sales costs
  • improved sales skills


If sales are the bricks in our day-to-day transactions, then marketing is the mortar that keeps it all together. Marketing is the strategy that creates awareness and demand with a focus on the outcomes of engagement and retention.

Here is an overview of our marketing business unit:

  • Sector: B2C (business to consumer)
  • Our services: Advertising and Marketing Audits, Traditional Media Buying, Promotional Idea Generation, Customer Experience Audits
  • Niche: SMB's (small to medium sized businesses)
  • Prospective Industries: retail, restaurants/bars, residential contractors, car dealerships, associations, non profit organizations and charities.
  • Service area: virtually and remotely, anywhere in Canada

Our Value Proposition

  • Increased efficiencies
  • cost reductions
  • consistent messaging and brand alignment
  • improved customer service
  • increased customer retention and loyalty

Timelines and Deliverables

All four of our marketing services can be completed within 2 to 3 weeks. This includes the time spent and the delivery of our report with prioritized recommendations. Many of our actionable recommendations can be implemented internally and quickly, resulting in a fast return on investment. Some may require our support and direction. All services are provided on a fixed price quote.

"Everyone lives by selling something"
Robert Louis Stevenson


Mark Boissoneault

Tradesman Heating and Air Conditioning

"Each and every time Murray and I would meet about the business at hand, something completely unexpected but special would be shared. Not only does Murray have an open mind, he has the gift of uncovering the creativity in others."

Jay Leslie

Full Current

"Murray (Muzz) is a true advertising pro. The man has the skills and experience to get his clients results, whether digital or traditional media. And as happens with most who meet him, we've become great friends!"

Joel Marcoux

Director, Business Development
Tire Chalet

"My current career in sales is due in large part to the tutelage and mentorship put forward by Murray Hill. He's a leader - and someone who helped squeeze just a little more potential out of me, when I needed it most."

"You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it's going to get raised regardless."
Seth Godin

Unite Interactive