Sales training is the process of working 1:1 with you to help you identify and develop actionable solutions to your sales challenges.

These individualized, 45-minute, solution-based calls are your chance to talk to a seasoned sales professional and get help dealing with ongoing and day-to-day issues.

Together, we'll help you identify mindset and behavioural changes that make an impact on your approach, attitude, and bottom line.

These sales training session sessions are solution-based, confidential calls delivered over the phone or through Zoom, MS Teams or Google Meet.

How is the "Living is Selling" Approach Different?

Most sales training is delivered impersonally, either in a group workshop or in a conference setting where the audience is made up of both high and low-performing salespeople.

At Living is Selling, our Sales Training process is designed to be custom-tailored to your unique challenges. By taking a 1:1 approach we design solutions that are specific to your needs and help you solve the unique challenges you're facing - no generic role-playing here!

"Income rarely exceeds one's personal development"

What Our Sales Training Includes:

  • Behaviour and attitude-based changes to improve success
  • Help building "soft skills" to amplify your efforts
  • How to track and monitor your progress
  • How to understand the return on investment (ROI) of your sessions
  • One-on-one discussions with no interruptions

What Our Sales Training Doesn't Have:

  • "Hard" sales training. We don't focus on the "hard" tactics of selling (filling the funnel, handling objections, etc.) because we know you know them.
  • A pre-defined system or methodology. The solutions we develop are custom-tailored to your situation, challenges, and the outcomes you're looking for.
  • Homogenized or repetitive material. No tests, no workbooks, and no upgrade requirements.
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