We offer a wide range of services to meet your unique needs and situation, including:

Free Discovery Call

15 minutes


This short, comprehensive session is our chance to get to know each other and see if we want to work together. As a result, this is free!

At the end of our call you'll receive a list of over 60 Guided Topics related to living and selling to guide our next steps together.

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Sales Training Sessions

45 minutes


These 1:1 sessions focus on your unique challenges with the goal of developing a custom-tailored solution.

Each session will be 45 minutes. The cost per session will be $60.

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Guided Topic Sessions

45 minutes each


SAVE! Get 3 for $190

Once our discovery call has ended and you've chosen the sales topics and concepts you want to focus on, we'll schedule 45-minute sessions devoted to exploring and developing action plans for each topic.

Some of the topics you can choose from include:

  • Know yourself
  • Joyous movement
  • Your safety net
  • Slow down
  • Thought of you
  • When to quit
  • ... and more!
Paid Mentorship

30 minutes


Once we've completed any three Guided Topic Sessions you're eligible to book as many follow up strategy calls for as long as necessary.

Sales Team Training

Unlike expensive group training, our sales training is delivered the same way as our individual service: through one-on-one, private and confidential 45-minute phone or video sessions designed to help solve day-to-day issues, and is perfect for sales teams of any size.

All phone and video meetings are scheduled Monday to Friday, 8 AM - 3 PM.

There is no set schedule, frequency, ongoing commitment or minimum number of sessions required.

Invoices will be issued at the end of each session.

All payments can be made by e-transfer or PayPal.

Giving Back

Our goal is to empower people to experience growth in their sales career, personal lives, and in their income.

With growth in mind, after each 1:1 sales training session, we'll donate $5 to Tree Canada. This buys a seedling that will be planted somewhere throughout the country - the perfect way to reinforce the value of long-term growth!


If you feel that you've received value out of our sales training and want to refer a friend or colleague, we'll show our thanks with a small token of gratitude!

Knowledge Sharing

To help you on your sales growth journey, you'll receive a free list of online resources and reading materials after our sessions.

This list will always be up-to-date with the most timely news and information, and is intended to help you continue to feel empowered about achieving your sales goals.

This is our way of expressing gratitude and saying "thank you" for the opportunity to work together.

"Sales have been around a long time. They're not going away. But they work best when they are a transfer of emotion, an actual human and a dialogue"
Seth Godin

Unite Interactive